07971 723679jerome.hughes@oasisuk.orgOasis Academy Arena, Albert Road Croydon, United Kingdom
Oasis Hub Ashburton Park


We are excited to be in the process of setting up a Community Boxing Gym at Oasis Academy Shirley Park. The Gym will be a partnership between the school, Community Hub, Gloves Not Guns and other local partners.

We will be creating a weekly schedule of youth and community boxing, martial arts and self defence. The programme will have a focus on engaging and empowering girls and women who do not currently engage with sport. During the day the Gym will be used by the students of Oasis Academy Shirley Park, and in the evening the sessions will be open to the community. 

The gym sessions will enable young people to engage with youth workers, sports coaches and positive role models from the community. This will support them in their transition towards adulthood, encouraging them to make good decisionsdeter gang involvement, and help boost self-confidence.